Post by: Sean
Inventive Fishing loves when we hear from other members of the Saltwater Nation about their own fishing tips. As part of a regular series, Captain Judd Wise of the “Lil” Butt Nakid and Team Wise Fishing will provide a monthly fishing tip based on his years of fishing out of Fort Myers and Key West. […]
While at the WaveSpin Reel booth at ICAST 2014, Russ Riley and Mike Paone introduced us to the Infinity Weight from Lurecraft Fisherman’s Shop. These weights use a unique spring-loaded fastener design to quickly attach the weight to a hook or other terminal tackle. In addition, the weights can be attached to each other to […]
During Inventive Fishing’s last trip to the Keys, Sean released what we believe to be the first permit caught by someone wearing Google Glass. The video is a bit long (over 9 minutes), but we felt compelled to show the entire sequence from cast to landing. Enjoy! [embedplusvideo height=”360″ width=”640″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=lmuzJjdJCwQ&width=640&height=360&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep2416″ /] […]
This year’s ICAST produced a lot of “WOW!” moments as Inventive Fishing moved from vendor to vendor, but perhaps none as jaw-dropping as this painting. Meet the work of Mike Savlen, who was on hand and producing live art at the Levelwear Booth. Savlen’s art is produced as a Levelwear clothing line, including t-shirts, polos, […]
If you’re like us, you probably associate Flying Fisherman with their affordable sunglass line. However, the company unveiled a new series of Passport Travel Rods at ICAST which we can’t wait to test out in the field. Passport Travel Rods come in two versions, spinning and fly. The rod series was designed by Juan Gozio […]
Although ORCA coolers have been around for a few years now, Vice President of Sales Bill Terry provided Inventive Fishing with a walkthrough of what’s new for 2014. At first glance, the ORCA coolers look like a typical roto-molded coolers that compete with other companies such as Yeti and Engel. ORCA coolers come in five […]
While visiting stateside, our foreign editor Kenney Krysko released a half-dozen nice bonefish on the flats of Oahu, Hawaii. He says the action has been hot and for anyone in the area to get out and catch some bones.
Inventive Fishing loves when we hear from other members of the Saltwater Nation about their own fishing tips. As part of a regular series, Captain Judd Wise of the “Lil” Butt Nakid and Team Wise Fishing will provide a monthly fishing tip based on his years of fishing out of Fort Myers and Key West. […]
Inventive Fishing loves when we hear from other members of the Saltwater Nation about their own fishing tips. As part of a regular series, Captain Judd Wise of the “Lil” Butt Nakid and Team Wise Fishing will provide a monthly fishing tip based on his years of fishing out of Fort Myers and Key West. […]
For those Buddhists out there in the Saltwater Nation, Dr. Man Chi-sum reminds you to be careful what fish species you release, and where. Practicing Buddhists often release animals into the wild that would otherwise be slaughtered. This act of compassion honors the Buddha’s own teachings of compassion. Many people choose fish because they’re relatively […]
This month we’re giving away two Inventive Fishing T-shirts! The winner will get one Inventive Fishing logo t-shirt and one FISH ON! t-shirt. To enter, just leave a comment on any Inventive Fishing post by May 31, 2014, 11:59pm EST (the giveaway is open to U.S. residents age 18 and older only). A winner will […]
An Atlantic sturgeon, a species thought to be extinct within the state of Connecticut, washed up upon the shore of the Connecticut River, 8 miles from the mouth of Long Island Sound. The sturgeon measured about 7 feet long, was approximated at 12 years old, and was carrying eggs even though it was deemed to […]
According to two reports that NOAA has recently released, U.S. commercial and recreational fishing generated over $199 billion in revenue in 2012, up 7% from 2011. In addition, the number of jobs increased by 3% over the same time period. A second report shows that two fish stocks—the Southern Atlantic Coast black sea bass and […]
A recent article in Nature shows that sailfish don’t just use their bills to slash at their prey but also to gently maneuver them away from a larger school to eat them. Looking at Atlantic sailfish, the authors conclude that although sailfish are some of the fastest fish in the sea, they often prefer to […]
Doris Harris, director of the KWFT, has submitted the following results from the 2014 KWFT Kickoff. Remember, you can enter your catches or releases all year long when fishing in Key West and the Lower Keys. Congrats to all the winners! Junior Heaviest Catch: 22 lb. 4 oz. Barracuda by Logan Stern, age 13 of […]
Inventive Fishing loves when we hear from other members of the Saltwater Nation about their own fishing tips. As part of a regular series, Captain Judd Wise of the “Lil” Butt Nakid and Team Wise Fishing will provide a weekly fishing tip based on his years of fishing out of Fort Myers and Key West. […]
If you’ll be down near Key West April 4-6, consider entering the 2014 Key West Fishing Tournament Kickoff. Compete for cash prizes for 15 different species. It’s a great event run by top-notch people. This kickoff tournament sets up the longer tournament that runs through November. For more information about how to enter, visit their […]
Inventive Fishing loves when we hear from other members of the Saltwater Nation about their own fishing tips. As part of a regular series, Captain Judd Wise of the “Lil” Butt Nakid and Team Wise Fishing will provide a weekly fishing tip based on his years of fishing out of Fort Myers and Key West. […]
Inventive Fishing loves when we hear from other members of the Saltwater Nation about their own fishing tips. As part of a regular series, Captain Judd Wise of the “Lil” Butt Nakid and Team Wise Fishing will provide a weekly fishing tip based on his years of fishing out of Fort Myers and Key West. […]
Inventive Fishing loves when we hear from other members of the Saltwater Nation about their own fishing tips. As part of a regular series, Captain Judd Wise of the “Lil” Butt Nakid and Team Wise Fishing will provide a weekly fishing tip based on his years of fishing out of Fort Myers and Key West. […]