The recreational fishing and boating community praised final action taken by NOAA Fisheries to implement state management for private anglers fishing for red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico. Today’s action cements the management changes found in “Reef Fish Amendment 50: State Management for Recreational Red Snapper” agreed to by the […]
American Sportfishing Association, fish, Fishing, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, Red Snapper, Regulations
In this episode of From the Head, Sid Dobrin takes a look at the newly released report from the American Sportfishing Association “Economic Contribution of the 2018 Recreational Red Snapper Season in the South Atlantic.” FISH ON!
fish, Fishing, Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, Red Snapper, South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
Big news for red snapper anglers: the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council—one of the eight councils that represents the National Marine Fisheries Service within NOAA—voted to delegate management authority over recreational red snapper harvest to each of the five Gulf States in federal waters. In this episode of “From the Head,” Sid Dobrin takes […]
fish, Fishing, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, Red Snapper, Regulations
The 2016 recreational red snapper season in Gulf of Mexico state waters opens Saturdays and Sundays in May starting May 7. On May 28, the season will open continuously through July 10. The season will also reopen for Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in September and October, and on Labor Day. This would provide for a […]
At its April 13 meeting in Jupiter, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) set the 2016 recreational red snapper season in Gulf of Mexico state waters. The 2016 season will open Saturdays and Sundays in May starting May 7. On May 28, the season will open continuously through July 10. Finally, the season […]
fish, Fishing, Florida, Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, Red Snapper
Representatives from the recreational fishing community recently met for their second in-person meeting to plan strategies for addressing current and future Gulf of Mexico red snapper management challenges. The two-day meeting, facilitated by Florida State University’s FCRC Consensus Center, produced constructive discussion on Gulf red snapper and reef fish management as a whole, as well […]
fish, Fishing, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Red Snapper, Regulations
Halloween (Oct. 31) and Nov. 1 are the last days the recreational red snapper season for Gulf state waters will be open in 2015. State waters in the Gulf are from shore to 9 nautical miles. Federal waters extend from where state waters end out to about 200 nautical miles. This year’s 70-day state-waters season […]
The Senate Appropriations Committee recently approved Senator Richard Shelby’s (R-Ala.) proposed Fiscal Year 2016 Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations Bill. The bill included a number of provisions that attempt to address the ongoing mismanagement of the Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery that has resulted in the current 10-day season for private recreational anglers. “Senator […]
NOAA Fisheries is seeking public comment on a draft environmental impact statement for Amendment 28 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (Council) is considering an action to reallocate the red snapper harvest between the commercial and recreational sectors. The […]
fish, Fishing, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, Red Snapper
NOAA Fisheries recently released data on recreational red snapper landings for the 2014 season. Across the Gulf of Mexico, recreational fishermen landed 3,866,531 pounds of red snapper in 2014, 28 percent below the recreational quota of 5.39 million pounds. These data, mainly from NOAA Fisheries’ Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP), were released months after the […]
The Marine Resources Division reminds recreational red snapper anglers that the captain or owner of any vessel, private or charter, is required to report all red snapper kept and discarded dead prior to landing in Alabama. Only one report is required per vessel trip and anglers can provide information via one of the following methods; […]
The Center for Sportfish Science and Conservation (CSSC) at the Harte Research Institute (HRI) for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi has been awarded a federal Fisheries Innovation Grant totaling $209,326 to study pressure-related injuries often suffered by Red Snapper during catch and release fishing. The funding also will continue research to […]
The recreational red snapper season for Gulf state waters opens to harvest Memorial Day weekend. Red snapper is a popular species that has a strong economic impact for many coastal communities throughout Florida. The 2015 season will start the Saturday before Memorial Day (May 23) and run through July 12, closing July 13. This season […]
Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-AL) and members of the House Committee on Natural Resources today advanced legislation to strengthen fishing communities and increase flexibility in federal fisheries, including improvements to the Red Snapper fishery. The Committee action comes on the same day that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced this year’s Red Snapper season […]
Bradley Byrne, fish, Fishing, Gulf of Mexico, Magnuson-Stevens Act, NOAA, Recreational Fishing, Red Snapper
NOAA has just announced the 2015 recreational red snapper season: ten days beginning June 1, 2015. The for hire season is slated to last 44 days. Here’s the NOAA Bulletin: On May 1, 2015, NOAA Fisheries will publish a rule implementing an increase to the commercial and recreational quotas for red snapper in the Gulf […]
fish, Fishing, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Red Snapper, Regulations, Richard Shelby
Yesterday, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) hosted a Breakfast Briefing on Capitol Hill on the topic, “The Solution to Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper: State-based Management.” Ten Members of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus (CSC), state fish and wildlife agency representatives, and CSF partners gathered to discuss the current challenges and a path forward to resolving […]
Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, CSF, Gulf of Mexico, Red Snapper, Regulations
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council’s Ad Hoc Red Snapper Charter For-hire Advisory Panel will meet Wednesday, May 13, 2015, from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm at the Council office in Tampa, Florida. The Panel will review information relevant to the charter-for-hire component of the reef fish fishery and discuss management approaches for […]
fish, Fishing, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, Red Snapper
On April 10, 2015, NOAA Fisheries approved Amendment 40 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Reef Fish Resources (Amendment 40) of the Gulf of Mexico submitted by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (Council). A final rule published in the Federal Register on April 22, 2015 (80 FR 22422), with an effective date of May […]
fish, Fishing, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, NOAA, Red Snapper, Regulations
In response to the March 13 announcement by fisheries management agencies from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, the Recreational Fishing Alliance has issued a press release praising the five state effort: March 17, 2015 – The five states bordering the Gulf of Mexico-Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas-have pulled together in an effort to […]
Alabama, fish, Fishing, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Recreational Fishing Alliance, Red Snapper, Regulations, Texas
At its meeting Feb. 5 in Jacksonville, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) directed staff to host several workshops prior to the April Commission meeting in an effort to gather additional stakeholder input on the 2015 recreational red snapper season in Gulf state waters. The 2015 season preferred by the Commissioners that will […]
fish, Fishing, Florida, Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, Gulf of Mexico, Red Snapper, Regulations