According to two reports that NOAA has recently released, U.S. commercial and recreational fishing generated over $199 billion in revenue in 2012, up 7% from 2011. In addition, the number of jobs increased by 3% over the same time period.
A second report shows that two fish stocks—the Southern Atlantic Coast black sea bass and Sacramento River fall Chinook salmon—were rebuilt to target levels. Since 2000, 34 U.S. marine fish stocks have been rebuilt.
As Eileen Sobeck, assistant NOAA administrator for fisheries summarizes:
“These two reports highlight the steady rebuilding of U.S. fisheries and the broad and positive economic impact of commercial and recreational fishing to the nation’s economy. These reports are an excellent example of the environmental intelligence NOAA uses and provides every day. Fishing is big business and culturally important in our country. On top of that, it supports a lot of jobs.”
View the full NOAA reports at the links below:
Fisheries of the United States, 2012
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