Red Snapper
At its April 13 meeting in Jupiter, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) set the 2016 recreational red snapper season in Gulf of Mexico state waters.
The 2016 season will open Saturdays and Sundays in May starting May 7. On May 28, the season will open continuously through July 10. Finally, the season will reopen for Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in September and October, and on Labor Day. This would provide for a 78-day season in Gulf state waters.
This season will help maintain fishing opportunities for recreational anglers in state waters and provide additional May and fall weekend fishing days.
The private recreational angler red snapper season in Gulf federal waters has not yet been announced by NOAA Fisheries but is estimated to be 6 to 9 days. The federally-permitted charter boat and headboat season for federal waters is estimated to be 38 to 56 days. Both of these federal seasons are slated to open June 1.
Learn more about red snapper at by clicking on “Saltwater,” “Recreational Regulations” and “Snappers.”
fish, Fishing, Florida, Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, Red Snapper
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