
CCA: Feds Set Sights on Red Drum

The Coastal Conservation Association began circulating this message today regarding NOAA Fisheries‘ proposed plans for a new red drum management plan. Inventive Fishing supports CCA in this position , so we thought we’d share their message: The federal government’s management of Gulf fisheries has created some of the most chaotic, dysfunctional and unsatisfactory fisheries in […]

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FAO Releases 2014 SOFIA

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (NAO) has released its State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) report for 2014. The report, which is published every two years, provides policy makers, civil society, and those whose livelihoods depend upon the world’s fisheries information about capture fisheries and aquaculture. The 243-page biennial 2014 […]

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NOAA Changes Commercial Bluefin Tuna Limit

The National Marine Fisheries division of NOAA today posted an adjustment in the regulations for the harvesting of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) for vessels licensed under the charter/headboat category fishing commercially. According to the NMFS document published today in the Federal Register  the Atlantic bluefin tuna daily retention limit of one large, medium, or giant […]

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Overfishing, Pollution Leave Turkish Waters Bare

Ali Murro of Reuters’ News Agency has a story about overfishing and the decimation of Turkish waters that has been reprinted in nearly every major news paper in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. In light of copyright concerns, rather than recount Murro’s writing here, we offer a link to the Chicago Tribune’s printing of […]

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Palau to Ban Commercial Fishing

President Tommy Remengesau Jr. of Palau announced today during a keynote talk at the United Nations that Palau intends to ban all commercial fishing and establish its waters as a marine sanctuary.  Remengesau’s announcement came during a U.N. meeting about “Healthy Oceans and Seas.” President Remengesau did say that current fishing agreements with Japan, Taiwan, and some private […]

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X-Ray Filet Machine

Automated fish filleting has been a part of the commercial fishing industry for years. While the machines that have traditionally been used have certainly sped up fish processing, they can also be wasteful and are generally  best when working with consistently-sized fish, like farm raised fish. Wild caught fish tend to vary in size too […]

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EU Conflict with Faroe Islands over Herring Increases

This past January, The Faroe Islands, an archipelago and island group technically under the sovereignty of Denmark, announced that it would withdraw from from an international fisheries agreement between the European Union, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway, and Russia in order pursue its own national interests. The autonomous island nation announced that it would harvest approximately […]

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Tensions Escalate in Tamil Nadu

Tensions are growing in fishing communities in Tamil Nadu, the southernmost state in India, as talks between Indian officials and Sri Lankan officials about fishing rights have met an impasse.  Last week more than a thousand southern Indian fishing vessels remained in port in protest over the ongoing fisheries rights talks. India’s central government has […]

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Tweets from the Deep, a seafood industry news provider out of Scotland, posted a story today about a new campaign by the seafood industry called “Tweets form the Deep” to educate the public about what the commercial fishing life is really like. As fisherman David Warwick explains to, “Men risk their lives putting food on people’s plates, […]

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Support House Bill 983 in North Carolina

The Carteret County Marine Fisheries Advisory Board in North Carolina met tonight in Beaufort and adopted a resolution to oppose portions of House Bill 983, titled 2013 Fisheries Economic Development Act. The Bill, which you can read in its entirety here, proposes to designate red drum, sea trout, and striped bass as coastal sport fish, […]

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